Longer treatment times! And we won't try to talk you into a treatment package!

Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy, Cranaio-Sacral Therapy, Pain management & Acupuncture,
all with incredible results!
The Team at J R & Associates...

DANIEL BAINES, Master of Osteopathy
Registered Osteopath
After having to retire due to injury, from a glamorous career as a dancer with the internationally celebrated dance troupe 'STOMP', Daniel pursued a career in osteopathy and movement therapy to better understand the nature of injury and healing. Since then he has further trained as a Kinesiologist (see 'Kinesiology' under 'All services') a Hynotherapist (see 'Hypnotherapy') a Movement Therapist (see 'Anatomy in Motion') a Personal Trainer (see 'Personal Training') and a practitioner of Functional Medicine (see 'Functional Medicine') - a system biology-based approach that identifies and addresses the root cause of disease.
Dan has an uncanny ability to hunt down, detect and then cure the hidden root of people's health problems that no other practitioner has been able to solve, and for this reason he is known to many as "The Magic Man"!
He is also personally trained by Dr Raymond Perrin in the NHS-supported Perrin Technique™ for M.E., Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and post-viral fatigue which is currently being researched for efficacy in the treatment of Long Covid.
Daniel likes to work with anyone and everyone, whether it is to move them out of discomfort or to help them optimise the way their body functions and feels. He treats traditionally with osteopathy but also brings some muscle testing and kinesiology into his diagnosis. He is passionate about enabling his patients to move freely and offers suggestions as to how to keep well and improve their movement between visits.
Dan lives in Hastings with his wife and young son.
Registered Osteopath
Jane has been treating babies for more than two decades, with cranial osteopathy and cranio-sacral therapy. She qualified as an osteopath in 2004 after a 7 year training.
A mum of two children herself, Jane knows exactly how it feels when your baby doesn't sleep well, acts crotchety and unsettled for no obvious reason or appears to have an uncomfortable stomach.
Sometimes the cause of these and other problems is due to the way the baby's body formed in the womb or by the birth process or when birth is intervened upon with forceps, ventouse or caesarian section. ​
Most of the time, the baby is born perfect and there is no need for osteopathic care. But if something did go off piste, such as a caesarian, forceps, ventouse, premature birth or problems with feeding, gentle yet powerful osteopathic techniques allow the little body to overcome its malfunction or shock and return to optimal health.
Cranio-Sacral techniques are extremely powerful in the treatment of babies and children. Babies respond very quickly, and the benefit of a small number of treatments can be game changing.

The front view of our friendly clinic in Old Town

The treatment room

The waiting area
Treatment of the neck
Treatment of the mid-back

Treatment of the upper spine

Back in his dancing days, Daniel performs on one arm for the internationally famous dance troupe STOMP

Daniel assessing leg strength
A patient learning to walk

Daniel assesses how foot position affects everything above it!
A cheeky monkey and Mum
at the BABY Clinic!
Jane and Dan treat all the usual muscle and joint problems, such as back pain, neck and shoulder pain, hip and knee and foot pain, as well as neurological deficits and weaknesses, chronic pain, headaches, vertigo, digestive issues and sciatica, to name but a few conditions. They welcome people within the wider community, reaching beyond Eastbourne to Lewes, Brighton, Hastings, East Dean, Hailsham, Polegate, Stone Cross, Pevensey Bay, Pevensey and Bexhill, and the countryside between. They all continuously attend seminars and post-graduate courses to stay at the forefront of best current practice in wholistic healthcare. Between them they have over 50 years of combined experience treating people's health problems.
Jane contracted Covid in March 2020 and developed Long Covid as a result. Since then she has been actively researching the causes of and treatments for Long Covid and has developed a treatment protocol for this condition which is available online.
Services Offered

Osteopathy detects, treats and prevents health problems by moving, stretching and realigning
a person's muscles and joints.

Functional Medicine
Functional medicine is the future of medicine. It has the ability to scientifically uncover the true underlying causes of chronic diseases.

Epley Manoeuvre
Four separate head movements are performed to allow fragments lodged within the inner ear to drain away and no longer cause vertigo.

Better Baby Clinic
Cranial osteopathy for babies can resolve colic, wind and reflux, poor sleep, agitated behaviour and excessive crying. It involves the gentle normalisation of the movement of the baby's skull, pelvis and nervous system.

Kinesiology uses testing of your body's reflexes to diagnose and treat weakened body systems.
Hypnotherapy guides you into a state where you can reach into your creative imagination and give yourself the space to think, feel and respond differently.

Medical Acupuncture
Medical acupuncture involves the painless insertion of fine needles into certain points of the body for the relief of pain and encouragement of self-healing.

Personal Training with Dan
How would it feel to look down on a flat stomach, run without wheezing, hit a golf ball further or keep up with the kids?!

Anatomy in Motion
By observing the body during walking it is possible to identify joints, muscles, and postures that are being compromised with every step we take.